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Home security

Home security with centralized monitoring system today is the safest, most convenient and economical way of protecting private property.

Your home alarm system is installed and secured with overnight observation. Modern electronic devices trace all alarms: unauthorized entry into the apartment, fire cases, attacks and so on.

In case of alarm - signal is received in the central monitoring console. Operator on the monitor sees all the information about the object and the type of alarm. To the object is immediately sent an armed rapid response team.

At night the system can be installed in a special mode. Motion sensors in this case are cut off, which allows you to move freely within the house premises or in a separate part of the house, at the same time home perimeter detectors remain in working order.

It happens that the thief tries to enter \ the house with its owner, forcing him to disable the alarm. Security system provides the opportunity to enter a special code that sends a signal to our operator for forced disconnection alarm. In this case to object is sent an armed rapid response team.

If your apartment has pets - we offer to install such sensors that don’t respond to their movements.