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Apartment security

Apartment security has become self-evident, such as internet access or telephone installation need.

Equip apartment with a variety of motion detectors, door contacts, fire sensors - and you can feel secure about yourself and your property. Complete system with an alarm button and you can rely on the help in moment when it is needed.

In the case of a recent apartment repairs - as a solution we offer to install a wireless security system.

For apartment safety we recommend to use fire safety and alarm equipment. For additional safety we recommend the installation of acoustic, moisture and carbon monoxide detectors.

Advanced alarm systems enable customers to receive in more convenient form information about events and situations in object. They respond not only to the movement, but also fire, smoke, humidity, carbon monoxide threat.

Very popular and widely used service is the mobile messages sent to your mobile phone - they inform, for example, a man who (with some code) enters or leaves the facility. This system is especially convenient for parents because it allows to control the children who are returning home